Para homens/Vagina masturbação/Sem invólucro
Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
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Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator

Jamyjob Signature Milena masturbator Jamyjob Signature presents his collection of seven masturbators to use them alone, as a couple or take them with you anywhere, manufactured in TPR increase the feeling of pleasure increasing well-being in male masturbation




24,90EUR 19,40 (IVA inc.)
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator
  • Descrição do produto  Jamyjob Signature Milena Vagina Masturbator

    Jamyjob Signature Milena masturbator

    Jamyjob Signature presents his collection of seven masturbators to use them alone, as a couple or take them with you anywhere, manufactured in TPR increase the feeling of pleasure increasing well-being in male masturbation.

    Instructions for use:

    • ◾  Apply a paraben-free water-based lubricant such as Waterfeel or Nina Kikí before use.
    • ◾  After use, if the ejaculation has not occurred inside, clean it with neutral ph soap and warm water, if the ejaculation has occurred inside, remove the sleeve, place it under water and clean it with neutral ph soap, let it dry and it will be ready for use again.


    • ◾  Vagina form.
    • ◾  Material; TPR free of phalatos


    Masturbation continues to be appreciated in some societies as something immoral and harmful. In fact, it is an almost forbidden topic, which is barely discussed at meetings and is reserved for intimate matters. Nor should we overlook some of the urban legends that circulated around male masturbation: as it caused sterility, blindness or the appearance of pimples. However, this technique produces pleasure and relaxation, among other things. Next, we show you the 5 benefits of male masturbation.

    Avoid prostate cancerProstate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men over 70 years. In fact, it is increasing, as it shows that it already accounts for 12% of new cancer cases detected in Europe.

    Different investigations have revealed that frequent emptying of the prostate gland, something that is obtained through ejaculation, can prevent the onset of prostate cancer. Some studies say that those who masturbate more than five times a week have 30% fewer options to end a prostate tumor.

    Natural relaxingThe most frequent options to relax are tila, reading, yoga or even pills. But thanks to masturbation you can also obtain this quality, in addition to allowing us to end insomnia. Upon reaching orgasm, the brain of man secretes hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin, which are associated with sleep.

    More fertilityContrary to what is often thought, masturbation does not affect semen quality. Quite the opposite, since it actually succeeds in improving sperm motility. This is so because through ejaculation the residual sperm are released, making the new ones that come out healthier and younger.

    Infection preventionWith each ejaculation the bacteria are expelled out. Therefore, the ejaculatory ducts are cleared, preventing an infection from developing. But in addition to noticing in the genitals, you will also appreciate it in other areas of the body.

    Increases happinessWith masturbation we secrete a series of hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin, which are associated with happiness levels. The brain circuits of satisfaction are activated, improving mood and happiness.

    Use Jamyjob frequently to improve your sexual performance!

  • Identificadores 
    ModeloVagina sem invólucro
    Categoria Para homens / Vagina masturbação / Sem invólucro
    Código MpnD-233401
    Código Gtin8435565938680
    Código de barras8435565938680 (EAN-13)
    Adequado paraHomem
    Preço incluindo IVAEUR 19,40
    Preço sem IVAEUR 16,03
    IVA (21,00%)EUR 3,37
    AlcanceEUR 0 - 20

Informação de envio

Quando receberei este produto se comprá-lo agora ?

  • Picking estimada 
    Disponibilidade Em estoque
    Preparação 24 horas Domingo 6 out
    Entrega estimada 
    Terça 8 out
    24h + 1-2 dias úteis
    Portugal (Península), Espanha (Península)
    Quarta 9 out
    24h + 2-3 dias úteis
    Andorra, Espanha (Ilhas Baleares)
    Sexta 11 out
    24h + 3-5 dias úteis
    Alemanha, Bélgica, Chipre, Estados Unidos da América, França, Holanda, Itália, Luxemburgo, Malta, República Checa, Áustria
    Segunda 14 out
    24h + 5-7 dias úteis
    Dinamarca, Eslováquia, Eslovénia, Espanha (Ilhas Canárias), Hungria, Irlanda, Polónia, Portugal (Azores, Madeira), Reino Unido
    Quarta 16 out
    24h + 2-10 dias úteis
    Bulgária, Croácia, Estónia, Finlândia, Grécia, Letónia, Lituânia, Roménia, Suécia

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